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Botox Specialist - Leg Muscle Spasm and Contracture Relief

For those with lower extremity spasticity, life can feel unpredictable. Botox can help control muscle spasms and is among the treatments available. Denton podiatrist, Dr. David Barber has treated many patients with difficult spasticity issues arising from strokes and neurological disorders. If you’re tired of changing your plans due to uncontrollable muscle spasms, this innovative treatment can help. Call the office to book your visit or schedule an appointment online today to find a time that fits your busy life.


Botox Q & A

Medical treatment for the foot and leg

What is lower extremity spasticity?

Muscle spasticity is a condition characterized by uncontrollable changes in your muscle tissues. People with this condition find their muscles tightening or stiffening without a clear cause, and affected muscles often remain contracted and cannot easily stretch or release.

Lower extremity spasticity is the term used to describe this condition in the lower legs, ankles, and feet. The problem often makes it hard to walk, run, or move normally.  

Researchers believe that spasticity occurs due to a disruption or damage to the area of your spinal cord and brain controlling muscle movements. Without clear communication between the brain and muscle tissues, muscles can become “locked” into a contracted state. 

What are some signs I might have lower extremity spasticity?

Lower extremity spasticity affects everyone differently. Some people experience only mild symptoms, while the condition incapacitates others. 

Some of the symptoms of lower extremity spasticity include:

⦿ Muscle spasms and uncontrollable muscle contractions
⦿ Muscle fatigue
⦿ Stiffness in the muscles
⦿ Muscle pain
⦿ Deformities in your muscles and joints
⦿ Abnormal muscle growth and development​


Lower extremity spasticity can cause symptoms that are impossible to predict, making it hard to plan normal daily activities. When left untreated, lower extremity spasticity can lead to frozen joints, pressure sores, and even systemic illnesses. 

How can Botox treat lower extremity spasticity?

Botox is a medication created from a neurotoxin and works by prohibiting targeted muscles from going through their full range of motion. It works by blocking the chemical messages that travel between your nerves and muscle fibers, thereby preventing your muscles from fully contracting. 

When injected into muscles in your lower legs, Botox begins to reduce muscle spasms within five days. Depending on your customized treatment plan, you may need serial casting to improve muscle stretching or physical therapy to help strengthen your muscles. 

Botox can provide relief for around three months, after which your symptoms will slowly begin to return. At that point, you can decide if you’d like to move forward with additional Botox treatments.  

If you’re ready to learn more, call the office to set up a consultation or schedule an appointment online today.

About Denton Podiatry

Denton Podiatry is a full-service podiatry practice focused on delivering top-quality care to residents of Denton, Texas, and the surrounding region. Under the leadership of Dr. Barber, the team at Denton Podiatry share a passion for personalized care.

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8:30 am - 2:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm


8:30 am - 2:30 pm


8:30 am - 2:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm


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